according to the CDC out-of-hospital birth jumped 3% in 2006. While OOH birth still hovers at .59% of all total births, if these numbers continue this is a wonderful step toward freedom of choice in birth.
In the report put out by the CDC in March, it shows a color coded map detailing which states have the highest and lowest OOH birth rates. counties with a population of less than 100,000 had a higher home birth rate than those with a population above 100,000, on average .87% of births.
So now we have some figures to work with- home births exceeded 1% (woot!) in the following states: Alaska, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Maine, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah, Vermont, Washington & Wisconsin. annnnnnd.... Drum roll!!!!!!!!
In Vermont and Montana, more than 2% of birth took place at home!
ADD THAT to the fact that in 2006 3.2%(!) of all births in Alaska took place in a birth Center and things are definitely looking up!
45% of all home births were attended by "other Midwives" in particular, direct-entry & CPMS.
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